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Episode 3: Québec, a european city in north america

Episode 3: Québec, a european city in north america

I didn’t know what to expect before I came to Québec. The little research I did only answered the questions how I would get there and where I could stay. Since I like trains (there’s Wifi!) the first choice was simple and it lead to some interesting discussions. Opposite from me, a young woman had taken her place and we immediately began chatting about weather, hockey, jobs and where we’re heading to. Turns out, this was her very first time traveling on a train! Can you imagine?! After getting to know she’s from St. Johns, Newfoundland, it sounded a bit more logic, since there’s probably no railway  on the entire island. Still something I can’t really understand, since we’re basically born on trains in Switzerland. The second choice, where to stay, was easy as well. The HI in Vieux Québec apparently is the largest hostel in entire Canada. Now “large” doesn’t necessarily mean “good”, but in this case it was alright. Sightseeing wise, there were no big surprises. The one thing you have to take about a million photos of is the view from the St. Laurence River up on Chateau Frontenac. I took at least a billion. (more…)

Episode 2: la vie est belle à Montréal

Episode 2: la vie est belle à Montréal

The last few days in Montréal have been a blast – not to compare with my first stop, Ottawa. I could clearly feel the difference in the air, just when I got out of the train station – so distinct electric, charming and positive. Since I neither lost anything, nor won in any lottery, I’ll keep it short. (more…)

Another Story, another Journey

Another Story, another Journey

Oh, hello there. Cool. You’ve found your way to my blog. Don’t be surprised to find the latest posts dated back to 2011 – I simply never got around to write (read: travel for long enough people would care to read anything) ever since. But hey, here I am again, so bear with me. While I knew for quite some time that I will have two months off from the end of May on, only recently I’ve got around to seriously plan out where I’m going to go.  (more…)

Scandinavian Adventures

Getting an invitation to spend New Years Eve in Halmstad, Sweden, together with lovely and dearly missed friends I met in Kamloops, I couldn’t resist but get myself a ticket to Copenhagen, to spend few days there before heading across the border to Sweden. (more…)

Things I’ve Learned In Canada

Things I’ve Learned In Canada

As time passes, people usually smarten up. Sometimes the clever way, sometimes the painful way. I thought I’ll write down a few things that I learned (yes mostly the hard, painful way..) down the road. Satire and insider-jokes may be found in this post, so beware. (more…)

Roadtrip Part Four: Vancouver Island

Roadtrip Part Four: Vancouver Island

It was a cloudy and fresh Saturday morning in San Francisco, when I got up as early as 6.30 to pack my belongings and head to the Airport. I took a flight to Vancouver where Marianne and Lauren picked me up with their car of choice („he“ was called Randy) and we headed down to Tsawwassen to take the ferry for Nanaimo. (more…)

Roadtrip Part Three: San Francisco, CA

Roadtrip Part Three: San Francisco, CA

My train left Eugene on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Trains, although a little bit more expensive than buses, are definitely the right means of transport if you want to see some of the countryside and travel comfortably. Surely a plane would have been faster, but more expensive. The 12 hours ride down to San Francisco provided me with some very picturesque landsides, a plugin adapter for my laptop to watch a movie or two, enough legroom to actually stretch my legs as well as nobody seated next to me so I could turn my aisle into something that felt like a bed. Not bad for 68$, and as the train speeded through the night I saved a night at the hostel, what would have cost me around 33$. (more…)

Roadtrip Part Two: Highway 101

Roadtrip Part Two: Highway 101

I got up early in the morning and tried to find the rental station. Not an easy task, as it was in Springfield and not in Eugene itself. However, as always there were helpful people around all the time, so I eventually found it. I rushed up the Interstate 5 to get to my first point I wanted to visit on the coast, Newport. Upon arrival, the magnificent view made me having my lunch on a bench. Although the sun was shining, a cold breeze made me freeze quite a bit, so I decided to take some snapshots and move on, all the way down Highway 101. I pretty much stopped at every occasion (that means more or less every 5-10 minutes) to take some more pictures of this incredible landscape. (more…)

Roadtrip Part One: Kamloops, BC – Eugene, OR

Roadtrip Part One: Kamloops, BC – Eugene, OR

Leaving is never easy. Especially when everyone is leaving into another direction and you know it’s for good. So we went to the Greyhound Station, some going to Vancouver, some staying in Kamloops for some more days. When the driver announced the boarding call for our Bus we finally had to say goodbye to everyone, unknowing whether we’ll ever meet again. After boarding the bus and seeing Kamloops slowly sliding away we all had enough time to recap the past four months we spent together. As we arrived in Vancouver the sadness has flown away, replaced by excitement about all the adventures that were still to come. (more…)

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