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It was a cloudy and fresh Saturday morning in San Francisco, when I got up as early as 6.30 to pack my belongings and head to the Airport. I took a flight to Vancouver where Marianne and Lauren picked me up with their car of choice („he“ was called Randy) and we headed down to Tsawwassen to take the ferry for Nanaimo.

After a rainy night in Nanaimo we decided to rather head all across the Island to Ucluelet as there was not much to be seen in Nanaimo anyway. The ride was boring and uncomfortable, as the fog and the rain dismissed any hope of a beautiful view on the landscape and the road was narrow and winding.

We stayed in „Ukee“ for two nights, pretty much just chilling out and walking some trails, before finally the sun set in and we headed over to Tofino. We did a little boat trip to some hot springs where we chilled out some hours before heading back into town in order to check out the local attraction: Toony Tuesday. This basically means that you get a pint of tapped beer for 2 Dollars. I think a more detailed review of the night would be slightly inappropriate for this blog.

Chilling on a beach was our program for Wednesday, and it’s pretty unexpected seeing such beautiful beaches in Canada. We certainly enjoyed some hours in the sun, although the wind was rather chilly. The sunset in Tofino was another breathtaking moment, simply indescribably beautiful. I tried to capture it with my camera. The intonation here was certainly on the word “tried”, as it’s almost impossible, considering my 200$ camera and lack of know-how when it comes to photography.

Sadly we had to leave Tofino the next morning and we headed back all across the island, passed Nanaimo, and drove down further south to the capital City of British Columbia – Victoria. As we enjoyed sunshine and cloudlessness the entire ride appeared to be way more exciting than a couple of days ago.

Victoria is a smaller city than what you would expect from a capital city, but nevertheless lovely and beautiful. The parliament building, which is Victorias main attraction and lighted by night, has a comfy lawn in front of it, where we quite frequently indulged in some napping. A perfect place to chill out and we could learn much about BCs history by taking a walk through the halls of the Parliament.

However, every good story has an end, and so did ours. We got up early, headed to Swartz Bay and took the ferry back to Tsawwassen, where we had to bring back Randy before heading up to Vancouver Downtown.

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