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After coming in late on Thursday (see story here), I ventured to discover Halifax early Friday morning. A little sleepy, but never the less beautiful and charming, Halifax offers a variety of views and different areas.

There’s the Waterfront, with plenty of options for street food, nice restaurants and more or less cosy park benches and chairs, even out on the piers. The windy and comparably fresh weather kept me from spending more time at the water though. The downtown area is small and easy to overview – lovely, but nothing special. The Citadelle however grants a view on the entire city and beyond. 

On Saturday afternoon I finally got my car and headed off across the island to Digby, a little fishing village at the Bay of Fundy.

2015-06-06 21.24.12

Beautiful, isn’t it? The next day I started off a little late, but head plenty of things I wanted to see in the area. I made up some of the lost time by simply being lucky with getting to the ferries literally the minute they left the port – if I had planned it this way, it wouldn’t have worked out. 

Highlight of the day was the balancing rock, and, very touristy but still nice, Peggy’s Cove.

After heading back to Halifax Sunday night I took off early on Monday to Cape Bretton, where I would drive around the Cabot Trail the following day. 

Shortly before arriving in Ingonish I had an unexpected encounter with a moose. Luckily it got away without colliding with us, unfortunately I didn’t get to capture a picture for you guys. It was huge!


The Cabot Trail was a marvellous experience, just driving all day with the atlantic ocean passing by on the side, tall cliffs, steep climbs and narrow roads kept me entertained until I reached my destination for the day: Seawind Landing Country Inn in Larry’s River.

Can’t stop smiling! This is the view from my room tonight!

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The hosts spoiled me with a room with view on the atlantic, delicious dinner and breakfast (scrambled eggs with salmon – hell yeah!) and their unbelievable friendly service. If any of you ever happens to be in the area: check it out, you will not regret it!

All in all, I hardly ever met so many nice, friendly and helpful people in one place, like I did during that week in Nova Scotia. It seems to come with the ocean and the sometimes harsh weather, that people there are just so down to earth and positive. In order to get to my next destination, Las Vegas, I had to get up at 4.15am and walk to the bus that would take me to the airport – which in itself was a journey worth going all the way to Halifax to begin with. 

Quite the firework to see me off, #NovaScotia. Next Stop: Vegas! #5am #halifax #yhz #ns

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Nova Scotia, I’ll be back! 

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